Riverview Pool and Electrical Contractors Serving Tampa
Since the Sunshine State has year-round warm weather and extensive coastline, many homes in Tampa have direct water access, and many homeowners also own boats. If you have a waterfront property and a dock, you should also invest in a boat lift. For installation and boat lift repair, hire a professional contractor providing residential electrical services near Tampa. Whether you are upgrading an existing boat lift or installing the first one in your home, here are a few factors to consider:
Type of Lift
There are several different types of boat lifts, designed for different types and sizes of boat. Elevator lifts can handle the largest boats with their powerful motors. Four-point boat lifts are ideal for lifting smaller boats at “U”-shaped docks. Floating boat lifts keep the boat out of the water, but don’t allow access to the underside of the hull for maintenance. Freestanding lifts allow you to completely remove the boat from the water for storage, transportation, and maintenance.
Underwater Illumination
For safety reasons, consider having a professional residential electrician install underwater lighting around your boat lift. This will make it much easier for you to moor the boat directly above the lift when you return at night, and also prevent neighbors from accidentally colliding with your dock or damaging your lift. Since installing a lift requires you to have a waterproof, wired electrical boat dock anyway, it makes sense to go ahead and install the lighting. All wiring and fixtures should be inspected at least once a year to make sure they are water-tight.
Maintenance and Repair
Boat lifts require frequent maintenance since they have many electrical and mechanical components that are either fully submerged or that spend significant amounts of time in contact with water. Boat lift repair is similar to pool equipment repair since both require the contractor to know how prolonged exposure to moisture affects motors and wiring. At a minimum, you should have your boat lift inspected and serviced once per year, and you likely need the service more often if you frequently take your boat out on the water.